by Alan | May 27, 2023 | Living in Taiwan
Couldn’t find the English version of Shopee Taiwan? Unfortunately, there isn’t an English one…it’s all in Chinese only. But don’t let the language barrier stop you from shopping on Taiwanese Shopee! Here is how to set up a Shopee account...
by Sophy | February 12, 2022 | Shopping Recommendations, Taiwan Blog
Sailor Moon fans are fans for life, right? No matter if you are a child or an adult, among the many Sailor Moon girls there is always one that resonates with you. Sailor Moon manga and anime have been with us for a long time already. But there is always something new...
by Alan | January 15, 2021 | Living in Taiwan, Taiwan Blog
Online shopping is huge in Taiwan. From clothes to electronics and even food, there is nothing you cannot buy in one of the many online shops and have it delivered to your doorstep or a nearby convenience store. Some Taiwanese online shops also delivery...
by Alan | January 14, 2021 | Living in Taiwan
Couldn’t find the English version of Shopee Taiwan? Unfortunately, there isn’t an English one…it’s all in Chinese only. But don’t let the language barrier stop you from shopping on Taiwanese Shopee! Here is how to set up a Shopee account... by Alan | July 9, 2020 | Living in Taiwan, Taiwan Blog
Yes, Amazon does deliver almost everything on their site to Taiwan. Just make sure to start from the International Shopping page on Amazon (and select Taiwan in “Deliver to”). That’s it!
by Alan | April 24, 2020 | Working and Doing Business
There was a time when almost everything imported was “Made in China”. Those times are over. Trade disputes, impaired supply chains due to COVID-19 and growing ethical concerns are changing the global economy forever. What we are seeing already in 2020, is Taiwan...